Pamela Hoekwater is the Executive Director of Legal Aid of Western Michigan (LAWM). A Grand Rapids native, Pamela always dreamed of a career advocating for social justice. After law school, she took a staff attorney position at LAWM and was appointed their executive director in 2019. With over two decades of experience working at LAWM, Pamela is described as an integral part of the organization and is commended for her strength and competence as a leader.
Why did you choose the legal profession as a career?
My college major was social work, and I dreamed of a career advocating for social justice. A senior year internship in state government led to my decision to go to law school. As part of that internship, we were helping to draft legislation for Medicaid expansion, and I saw first-hand how a law degree could be an asset for the systemic impact I hoped to be a part of someday.
What do you enjoy most about being an attorney?
Legal Aid Staff Attorney was the best job I will ever have. As an attorney, there is nothing better than achieving justice for a client and seeing the positive effect your work can have in the lives of others.
What do you like most about Michigan?
The people are friendly and the landscape is amazing.
Please share any community service you have participated in and are most proud of?
For over a decade, I have volunteered for a summer literacy program that was started by my neighbor, an educator. We now give away hundreds of books each week throughout the summer, and it has given me the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful people and families.
Why is the Fellows Program special to you?
Now that I am the Executive Director of the legal aid program that I have worked at for over two decades, the work seems more daunting than before. There are so many people who need an attorney – to keep their home or to get free from a violent relationship – but who cannot have an attorney represent them due to our very limited resources. And increasing those resources is now my responsibility. The Fellows Program is special to me because – in addition to the financial support – having such a large and growing group of people commit to our cause provides encouragement to me and to everyone who works in civil legal aid.
A fun fact that you would care to share with your colleagues.
I enjoy trivia competitions a bit too much.