Grants Awarded

MSBF helps nonprofits improve the justice system throughout Michigan.  The grants listed below are project grants awarded in the past and do not include annual operating grants.





MSAS – Michigan Legal Help


March 2025

Transferring and updating the “Do It Yourself” documents to another platform on

Freedom House – Detroit


March 2025

Developing a comprehensive and customizable client database to track legal cases and timelines and to meet reporting requirements.

Citizens for Prison Reform


March 2025

Funding for their Family Information, Resource and Support Team (FIRST Hub) Movement, a participatory defense program, to provide information, support and education to families that are impacted by the criminal justice system.

Wayne State University Law School


November 2024

The Law School will be hosting an expungement fair and these funds will assist in developing a curriculum for undergraduate students to be trained to assist attendees in navigating the expungement process.  

The Maurice and Jane Sugar Law Center for Economic & Social Justice


November 2024

Funds to migrate to a new case management system that will interface with the statewide triage and referral system.

Siena Literacy Center


November 2024

Funding to provide legal information and advice, in collaboration with the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center, to refugees through resource navigation and attorney led workshops.

Lakeshore Legal Aid


November 2024

A three year grant to support a statewide project to enhance a knowledgebase product that will interface with the statewide triage and referral system and case management system utilized by most legal aid organizations throughout Michigan.

Henry Ford Learning Institute


June 2024

Funds to support the Ford Law Career Academy 2024 Detroit Summer Clerkship program.

Michigan Indian Legal Services


June 2024

Partnering with the Little River Band of Ottawa to develop a pilot project to address attorney shortages in tribal courts.

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants


March 2024

Surviving Trauma and Reaching Success (STARS) Program

Michigan Statewide Advocacy Services – Michigan Legal Help


November 2023

Updating the Do-It-Yourself Document Assembly on .

Wayne State University Law School Clinic Program


June 2023

Funds to support the Wayne Law Expungement Fair.

Justice for Our Neighbors


June 2023

Hiring a Legal Intake Coordinator to centralize intake and provide a single point of access for clients.

Michigan Statewide Advocacy Services- Michigan Legal Help


June 2023

Producing updated outreach materials for redesigned Michigan Legal Help website.

Detroit Justice Center


March 2023

Providing civil legal services for Core City residents as part of a wrap-around support center project focused on economic justice.

Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence


March 2023

Recruiting and training pro bono attorneys to help survivors of domestic and sexual violence when sued for defamation or other torts (generally called strategic lawsuits against public participation “SLAPP”)

Michigan Indian Legal Services


November 2022

Updating and producing new outreach materials.

Michigan Poverty Law Program


June 2022

Building a prototype to help educate intake staff with migrating to the new statewide case management software.

Michigan Immigrant Rights Center


November 2021

Hiring a pro bono coordinator to work with Afghan arrivals with legal issues.

Justice For All Commission


September 2021

Supporting projects related to the JFA Commission’s goals and strategic plan.

Maurice and Jane Sugar Law Center for Economic & Social Justice


September 2021

Hiring a statewide coordinator to address the unmet needs of residents accessing unemployment insurance benefits. In addition to providing direct services to UIA claimants, the coordinator will lead an initiative to share and exchange information among the UIA providers, including pro bono attorneys, and advocate for system improvements.  

Accounting Aid Society


June 2021

Updating the case management system utilized for the Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic to more efficiently meet the increased needs for individuals facing tax controversies.

Maurice and Jane Sugar Law Center for Economic & Social Justice


February 2021

Educating Michigan’s unemployed and low-wage workers on their legal rights during the COVID pandemic by creating a user-friendly manual and a series of videos informing workers of their legal rights to benefits.

Michigan Poverty Law Program


February 2021

Providing statewide support to legal aid programs throughout Michigan as the programs transition to a new case management database. 

Avalon Healing Center


February 2021

Provide trainings to representatives from the justice and healthcare system, hospitability, and community-based organizations to increase awareness and educate participants about the rights of victims of sexual assault and human trafficking.

University of Detroit Mercy – Veterans Law Clinic


June 2020

Expand the Veterans Law Clinic by adding an attorney to handle discharge upgrades and Court of Appeal cases for veterans.

Michigan Community Resources


June 2020

Create a COVID-19 Small Business and Nonprofit Virtual Legal Clinic, which will include webinar series and toolkit packages for re-opening and moving forward for non-profits.

Detroit Justice Center


June 2020

Expand the community legal worker to help low-income Detroit residence avoid tax foreclosure, avoid water shut offs and have access to getting state/municipal identification.

Michigan Center for Civic Education


February 2020

Expanding education and outreach for the mock trial program. 

Alliance for Housing


February 2020

Expand Street Democracy’s work in Oakland County  to implement functional sentencing. Functional sentencing turns sentencing into an opportunity to help an individual permanently exit the criminal justice system by replacing fines and costs with targeted interventions that address root causes of an individual’s offense.

Southwest Economic Solutions


June 2019

Partnering with Lakeshore Legal Aid, Southwest Economic Solutions will create webinars to help train staff at their Adult Learning Labs on identifying legal issues.

Justice for Our Neighbors


June 2019

Help the statewide JFON programs merge into one database.

Legal Services of Eastern Michigan


June 2019

The medical-legal partnership [MLP} between Legal Services of Eastern Michigan and Great Lakes Bay Health Centers addressing health-harming legal needs of the health centers clients.

The Historical Society of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan 


Feb. 2019

Producing a 60 minute video documentary of the history of the court.

Michigan Indian Legal Services


Feb. 2019

Helping tribal victims of domestic violence by educating them on their tribal rights with the production of tribal codes, fillable court forms along with the instructions, and “Know Your Rights” brochures specific for each tribe.

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law


Feb. 2019

“#ATJ Taking Project Clean Slate Project” helping low-income residents in Northern rural Michigan complete expungement petitions.





Southwest Detroit Community Justice Center


June 2018

Producing an electronic appointment and schedule reminder system for persons involved in the Community Court Program.

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law


Nov. 2017

Creating a “Federal Pro Se Legal Assistance Clinic” in partnership with the United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan.

Legal Aid of Western Michigan


Jun. 2017

LAWM working as a partner with Cherry Health of West Michigan to help assist low-income families with legal problems that are adversely affecting their health.

CASA for Kids, Inc.


Jun. 2017

Granted matching funds to help expand CASA into Ingham County to advocate for the best interest and permanency of children in foster care.

State Appellate Defender Office


Jun. 2017

Enhancing, redesigning and updating SADO’s outdated website to help criminal defense attorneys access current resources to effectively serve their indigent clients.

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law


Feb. 2017

Supporting law students that work at the Housing Law Clinic located in the 36th District Court.